Broken Bone Claims *
If you were involved in an accident and one of your bones, typically a leg or an arm has been fractured through the negligence or fault of a third party, you may be able to start a Personal injury claim for the distress and loss of your quality of life. Depending on the nature of the fracture, you may have to have surgery and that could be followed up with a long period of recovery in order to get back to full health. In the worst case scenario if you suffer multiple fractures to the same limb you may possibly have a permanent disability.
People tend not to treat broken bones as being serious and they are often thought of as a short period of one’s life that sees the unfortunate you simply having to wear a cumbersome plaster of Paris cast for three, four, six, eight weeks, you should be aware that fractured bones can be an extremely serious health risk. The classification of your injury will need to be established in order to determine your rate of compensation as some injuries can be more painful and take longer to heal than others.
Because the possible severity of damage to your bones can vary significantly from case to case, it is best that those who suffered a broken bone with an accident get photographs taken to support their broken bone Personal injury claims. As you may expect with a broken bone injury, it is possible to experience complications. Complications can happen when out of place bones or fragments of bone cause damage to other areas of the body; mainly the internal organs. Unfortunately, bones can be broken throughout any type of injury. Simply landing, falling or tripping the wrong way can result in you needing to make a fracture claim
Most broken bones are more known in the medical world as fractures and you can break them down into three main types;
- A compound fracture, which means that the bone or bones come through your skin.
- A hairline fracture is when the fracture is straight forward, such as a crack, and so does not go completely through the bone.
- A simple fracture means that the bone is in two halves as it goes all the way through the bone, but does not go through the skin or surrounding muscle.
Categories two and three above can in general heal relatively quickly, but the category one fracture may be far more serious may result in long periods of physiotherapy and possibly in some cases skin grafts.
Most people find that fully recovering from a fractured limb can take a lot of time, and may even, in some extreme cases, require you to have extensive surgery to bring the bones back in place, which can seriously increase the time needed to get better.
Fractured bones can also cause some difficulty in walking or just the going about of everyday business, you may possibly be absent from work to recover or having to get someone into your house to look after you, or having to rely on other kinds of transport for example taking taxis or alternatively having your partner or your spouse having to do much more of the day to day driving.
All this can be very expensive for you leaving you to calculate how deep you and your family’s pockets are, rather than concentrating on getting better. Taking on a Personal injury solicitor, in order to seek expert legal advice on the filing of a Personal injury claim for you, can give you some financial relief.

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Gary Matthews Solicitors
Medical negligence solicitors, Dublin
We help people every day of the week (weekends and bank holidays included) that have either been injured or harmed as a result of an accident or have suffered from negligence or malpractice.
Contact us at our Dublin office to get started with your claim today