Cervical Cancer Misdiagnosis * Contact Us for Legal Advice
We are all aware of the recent horrendous story of the Missed cancer diagnosis and the subsequent delays in informing patients of the consequent results of the Cervical Check smear tests and you should if you are one of those women or their family who have suffered because of this please call us now on 01 9014558 to discuss your legal options.
Cervical cancer is detected by a simple and straight forward smear test which if comes out positive means that early treatment gives a very good chance of getting rid of the cervical cancer. The figures for women affected by this are already very high and many people suspect that the final numbers involved will be much higher. Unfortunately hundreds of women are now finding out with horror that this cervical cancer misdiagnosis and delay in informing them that they are in this situation.
As this is a totally unacceptable situation for those who are going through this and if you or your family have suffered because of this total lack of “Duty of Care” then you must call us now on 01 5134948 to review your legal options. It should be a simple procedure and to make such a mess of it and create a situation where women have died and will die in the future is to put it mildly is not acceptable.
Many of the women involved in this disaster have young families who are now facing an uncertain and difficult future. The figures for women affected by this are already very high and many people suspect that the final numbers involved will be much higher. Time will unfortunately tell us, but we may have to wait some time.
Cervical Screening Issues
We already know today that some of the women have passed on and that many more are in a terminal cancer situation because of this situation. A “Duty of Care” has to be performed to all patients of the Health Service whether it is performed by Doctors, Consultants, Nurses, Technicians, Home Care workers or Dentists etc. When through negligence their “Duty of Care” is not performed correctly, then you should call your Medical negligence solicitor now on 01 9014558 now to look at your legal options.
We are all horrified about what has happened and you need to take action now. Just think of the hundreds of thousands of women who have taken and will take in the future this simple Cervical Cancer procedure of smear tests and who are now very concerned and frightened by this incompetence. Not only did they make mistakes in the analysis of the results but they then sat on those very mistakes for a number of years when any delay in cancer treatment is catastrophic. If you, or you know of a family member or a friend who have been misdiagnosed, you need to contact your Medical negligence solicitors on 019014558 now

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Gary Matthews Solicitors
Medical negligence solicitors, Dublin
We help people every day of the week (weekends and bank holidays included) that have either been injured or harmed as a result of an accident or have suffered from negligence or malpractice.
Contact us at our Dublin office to get started with your claim today